How to Register for Credit Classes for the Business Division

  1. Log in to Tiger Web using your Tiger ID and password.
  2. Select the “Self Service Banner,” icon (right side of the screen)
  3. Click “Log into Self Service Banner”
  4. Select the “Student” tab
  5. Click “Registration”
  6. Click on “Add/Drop” classes
  7. Select the Credit term (ex: SUMMER 2020 or FALL 2020). Do NOT choose TCAT
  8. Click on the “Submit” button
  9. Enter your Alternate PIN #
  10. Click on “Schedule Planner New – Click Here” at the bottom of your “Add/Drop” page.
  11. Select a Campus: Main, Dayton, Kimball, or Online
  12. Select these two Terms: (Full Term and 1st Half Session.)
  13. Select one or more of these three classroom experiences: In person on a schedule, Virtual with scheduled Zoom calls, Some online with some in person, Online Anytime
  14. Add the courses that are listed on your Education Plan
  15. Click on the blue “Finish Adding Classes” located next to “+ Add Course tab.”
  16. Click on “Add Breaks” to add your breaks. Make sure the days/times do not overlap.  Breaks are when you cannot attend classes.
    • Break examples: study times, work hours, family obligations, etc... Breaks can help limit the number of schedule choices provided.  If you make too many breaks, you may not be able to get a schedule.  Choose breaks for work or other obligations or if you do not want to take night classes.  Example: if you do not want to take night classes, select a break from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays.
  17. Click on “Generate Schedule”
  18. Choose to view the various options (You may lock options of class times that fit your learning style. For example, if you feel you are more focused in the mornings and would prefer your math classes in the morning, lock in a morning time for math.)
  19. When you are happy with a schedule, click on “Send to Shopping Cart.” **Please note that the system will redirect you to your registration page and you will not be able to return to those options without going through the same process.
  20. Click “Register”


Day Codes

M=Mon, T=Tues, W=Wed, R=Thurs, F=Friday, S=Saturday

After you complete the registration process please email Kellie Graves (  or Dr. Christopher Mobley, ( your full name, A#, phone number and let them know you’ve completed the registration process. If you receive errors or have other difficulty, please email Kellie or Chris as we are all here to help you and are happy you are here.  Welcome to Chattanooga State! J


  • Last Updated Aug 03, 2020
  • Views 181
  • Answered By Susan Jennings

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