Answered By: Danielle Knowles
Last Updated: Nov 09, 2021     Views: 237

The Chattanooga Public Library may be open during the hours you need. All 4 locations have free wi-fi and computers with Microsoft Office available for public use, but if they are busy, you will be limited to 2 hours on the computer. A library card or a single-use guest pass ($1) is required to use the public computers. To see branch locations and open hours, go to

You can also try the UTC Library as they're sometimes open when Chattanooga State isn't. UTC's library has guest "Quick Look Up" workstations that allow access to the library's website, databases catalog, online journals. No login is required, but note that there is NO Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, etc.) on the guest workstations.

UTC also offers 1-day free wi-fi access for campus visitors but you could not access UTC's library resources through this guest wi-fi. Information on how to connect to the guest network is at

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