Answered By: Danielle Knowles
Last Updated: Sep 07, 2018     Views: 89237

Below are some of the commonly used abbreviations on class schedules.

Days of the Week
M = Monday
T = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
R = Thursday
F = Friday
S = Saturday

Abbreviations can be combined. For example:
TR means the class meets on Tuesday and Thursday every week.
MWF means the class meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


Section codes

The 2- or 3-digit number after the course code is the section number or code for the course.

EXAMPLES of some common special section codes:
ART 1045 - 03N: the N at the end of the code indicates this is a course that meets on campus in the evening (night).
HIST 1010 - N03: the N at the beginning of the code indicates this is a course that only meets online in eLearn.
BIOL 2010 - R50: Section numbers that begin with R followed by a number indicate TN eCampus online classes (formerly called RODP). These classes do NOT use Chattanooga State's eLearn site. For more information, go here.

For help with unusual codes such as RP1 or PT2, please see your advisor or call the department.


Building / Location codes  (map here)
(All locations are on the main Amnicola campus unless stated otherwise.)

Code     Building or Location    
CAT Center for Advanced Technology
CBIH Center for Business, Industry, & Health Professions
CETAS Center for Engineering Technology, Arts, & Sciences
DENT Dental Assisting (Clinical location)
HOSP Hospital (Clinical location)
HPF Health & Physical Fitness / gym
HSC Health Science Center
HUM Humanities Building
IMC Instructional Materials Center / Library Building
MTC Media Technology Center
NORTH Dayton campus (Dayton, TN)
OMN Omniplex
ONLINE     Internet-only class
TNEC Tenn eCampus online class
VOLKS Volkswagen Academy campus (Volkswagen plant)
WEST2 Kimball campus (Kimball, TN)


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