Answered By: Danielle Knowles
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2020     Views: 1889

To find the best schedule of classes for you, we recommend using Schedule Planner in the Self Service Banner area inside TigerWeb.
To use Schedule Planner:
  1. Log into TigerWeb , then in the Quick Launch area click on Self Service Banner . (If this is your first time in Self Service, please read Logging into Self Service .)
  2. From the Main Menu of Self Service, click Student , then Registration , then  Look Up Classes .          
  3. Select the correct term . (Note: TCAT is the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. All other student should chose a Credit term.)
  4. You may be asked to first confirm you understand your financial obligations, and then may have to select your Term again.
  5. On the "Look Up Classes" page, click on the large words Schedule Planner .
  6. You'll then get to choose some options such as which campus you want to attend and if you want to include short term (condensed schedule) classes.
  7. Next, add all the courses you know you need to take. Click Add Course and then search for each course by Subject area and Course number, or by Course Attributes  (such as "Natural Phys Science with Lab"), or by Instructor (if you have a preferred instructor). After finding each course, select it and click Add Course .
  8. When you have entered all your courses, click Finished Adding Classes .
  9. You can next Add Breaks if there are days and/or times you prefer not to take classes.
  10. When you are done, click Generate Schedules and it will give you a list of possible schedules that match your requirements.
  11. You can hover over the + symbol to get a small general view of a schedule, or click View to get a detailed schedule view, including if the class has  prerequisites and how many spots are still available (" Seats Open ") in each class.
  12. Once you find the schedule you prefer, from the detailed view, click on Send to Shopping Cart (at the top of the page) to save the schedule until you are ready to register. Please note that this will NOT hold a spot in the class for you!
    : If you end up on a page that asks you to log in with a User ID and PIN , you were timed out. DO NOT try to log in there . Instead, return to TigerWeb and go back into Self Service the usual way and return to Look Up Classes. Your Schedule Planner Registration Cart should still be saved.
Remember to return to your Schedule Planner Registration Cart and click Register when you are ready.
  1. If you see an error that says "You have no Registration Time Ticket ," you are not eligible to register yet for that semester, or else you accidentally selected the wrong semester (TCAT instead of Credit, for example).
  2. If the system asks you for an " Alternate PIN ", that is a registration PIN (NOT the access PIN you created) that degree-seeking students can get from their academic advisor.
    If you are a transient student (primarily attending another college), you should have received your PIN in an email. If you can't find it, please go to the Advising virtual office at for assistance.

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