If you are a current campus employee and are on your office computer, you can change your campus password (for your computer, TigerWeb, eLearn, etc.) by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete (all three keys at the same time) and then select Change a password.
You can also call the Help Desk at 423-697-3375 to have your password reset.
Here are the complete updated requirements to follow when setting up your own password:
• You may use 8 to 16 characters.
Your password cannot be one you've used before for your campus account
• You should include all three of these: · lowercase letter
· uppercase letter
· number
• It isn't required, but if you wish, you may also use certain special characters ;
however, DO NOT use any of these: ! @ # $% ^ & * ( ) _- .\
• Please do not use any part of your name in your password.
• Your new password should not be the same as any previous password you've used here.