You may be eligible for a financial aid refund if you have funds left over after all fees and bookstore charges are deducted. The Financial Aid Office begins releasing grants, loans and scholarships during the third week of each semester, and the funds only pay for the classes you are attending. They will continue checking for new attendance and releasing funds once a week throughout the semester. Please be aware that student loan money is held for 30 days from the first day of the semester if it is your first time using loans. Also, your financial aid payment may be delayed if you are taking any classes that do not start until the second half of the semester.
Here are steps to check your attendance status in TigerWeb:
In the Quick Links section, click the green “Self Service Banner” icon
Click the yellow button to “Log into Self Service Banner”
*A new tab will open for Self-Service Banner*
Click “Student”
Click “Student Records”
Click “Attendance Reporting”
The Bursar’s Office processes paper checks or eRefunds after the money is released by the Financial Aid Office. This process also generally occurs once a week. Here are steps to check your account activity in TigerWeb:
In the Quick Links section, click the green “Self Service Banner” icon
Click the yellow button to “Log into Self Service Banner”
*A new tab will open for Self-Service Banner*
Click “Student”
Click “Student Account”
Click “View Student Account/Pay My Fees”
Select the desired term
Questions? You can email Please send any questions using your student email account (TigerMail) and include your student ID number.