Log into TigerWeb, then click on the green ball for Banner Self Service, then the green bar that says "Log into Banner Self Service." (For help, look at Logging in to Self Service.)
In Self Service, click on Student, then Registration, then Add or Drop Classes.
Choose the correct Registration Term. (NOTE: "TCAT" is only for students in the TN College of Applied Technology. All other students should choose a "Credit" term.)
Enter your 6-digit registration PIN ("Alternate PIN") for that term, then click the Submit button. (NOTE: Your registration PIN is NOT the same as your access PIN for Self Service.)
To add: Enter the class you would like to add and select "Web Register" from the Action dropdown menu.
To drop: Choose the class you would like to drop and select "Web Dropped" from the Action dropdown menu.
At the bottom of the screen, click the Submit Changes button.
Deadlines for dropping classes are listed in the Academic Catalog. Just click on Academic Calendar in the left menu.
For information about money owed for dropped classes, please see our Refund Dates page. Please note that 100% refunds are only given for classes dropped before the first day of class.
For students on financial aid, it's very important to know how dropping a class might affect your financial aid. This is especially important for Tennessee Promise students, who may risk losing that financial aid forever. Please discuss your situation with the Financial Aid office or go to Withdrawal/Repayment Policy and Keeping Your Aid for more information.